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Michael Gummere

@chrono__ / @chronobyte_

Indiana University Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN, USA
04:22:12 (UTC-4)

 Hi I'm Michael. I am a student at Indiana University Indianapolis.

 I'm a self-taught software developer and have worked on a variety of different projects that interested me. I have used Linux-based computers for 5 years. I have been doing computer programming for 8 years and have experience with TypeScript, C++. I've worked on a few websites and Discord chat bots as well as several hobby chat apps.

 During my time in high school, I competed in the VEX Robotics Competition as a programmer and designer for my team. We worked hard in the incredibly difficult Indiana region and managed to qualify for the State Championship in 2023.

  • 📫 If you want to reach me, you can
Michael Gummere



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